Thursday, March 08, 2007

Rush Cleans Up The Misconception About The Libby Verdict

Rush Limbaugh did a fantastic job of laying out the hypocrisy of the Main Stream Media. I've linked to his website for you to take a read and possibly a listen.

One question that has yet to be answered by all the MSM pundits; If this whole investigation was all about finding out who 'outed' a 'supposedly covert' Valerie Plame, then why hasn't Dick Armitage been indicted? After all is was Mr. Armitage who came forward and said he was the leak!

And, why did Mr. Fitzgerald continue on with the investigation once he knew that Mr. Armitage was the 'leak'?

Questions that Chris Matthews, Matt Lauer and the gang will never ask, nor do they care to get the answers. All the MSM wants is heads to roll in the Bush Whitehouse.

This is what blind rage/hate/enmity will do to one's soul. Just look at how many people have sold their principles to the highest bidder (the devil) because of their hate. It truly is incredible the length people will go to drag someone down with whom they disagree.

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