Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ordain Women: The Road To Apostasy

I recently stumbled upon a Facebook page entitled Ordain Women. I had heard that there was a movement by female members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to petition Pres. Monson to ordain women to the priesthood. This is similar to another group of women who put on a "demonstration" when they wore pants to church instead of a dress or skirt.

I went to the Ordain Women page to see what all the fuss was about. It states clearly that their objective is to demand that women be ordained to the priesthood. This is what it says in their Description:

Ordain Women aspires to create a space for Mormon women to articulate issues of gender inequality they may be hesitant to raise alone. As a group we intend to put ourselves in the public eye and call attention to the need for the ordination of Mormon women to the priesthood.

My initial thought in reading the posts on this page is one of feeling sorry for these folks. It's mainly women who are posting that they want to be ordained to the priesthood but there are a few men who are posting support for the movement.

In reading the posts, it seems that there is a great deal of confusion or a great deal of deceit going on with the supporters. Why? Because they all claim that they are just asking a question. I asked all of them what question are they asking and no one responded. They all deflected in their responses. You'll see that they all say the same thing in that they prayed and fasted about this and they received personal revelation that they are to be a part of Ordain Women.

Take careful notice that they never answer the question straight out: Are you demanding to be ordained to the priesthood? Not one of them ever answered that question. But in being part of the Ordain Women agenda they are specifically demanding to be ordained to the priesthood. I'm stunned that not one of them would own up to that fact.

What is disappointing to see regarding this whole movement is that people don't really understand the gospel. I wonder if any of them have ever read verse 7 in the 3rd chapter of Amos.  We know that God works through His prophet and apostles when He wants to reveal something to the world.

Supporters use scripture to try to justify their cause. They throw out, "ask and ye shall receive". I'm not sure how that pertains to counseling the Lord regarding revelation. They throw out the 9th AofF in support of their cause. We know though that when the Lord has something for us to know that he will tell His prophet and we will all know at the same time.

Supporters state that Joseph Smith had questions and we wouldn't have the church without him asking questions. Well, I'm not sure how they can equate the 2 as the same thing. The Lord's gospel and church wasn't on he earth when Joseph went to the grove and asked sincerely for wisdom and knowledge. Now that we have the gospel and church restored to the earth, we also have knowledge of how the Lord leads His church.

This whole movement is one of arrogance and ignorance. Here is the letter that they submitted when they put in a request for women to get tickets for General Priesthood Meeting. I'll let you decipher the tone of the letter and how condescending it is towards God and Christ. Take note at how this movement twists the words of the Lord's anointed to try to make it sound like their cause is just.

One also needs to know that many asked their bishop's and stake president's for tickets and were told no. Their take on being told no is that the local leaders are ready for their movement yet and are wrong for not giving them tickets. Yep, you can't make this stuff up as it is all documented in their posts.

As I read through the posts of the leaders of this movement, I couldn't help but be reminded of the words of the Lord when He said in Isaiah 55:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my  ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

We don't always know the why to things on this earth but that is the purpose, we are supposed to walk by faith. We are here to be tested, to see if we would be obedient to the things we are commanded.

I wonder if the supporters of Ordain Women have ever read the following verse,

10 Wherefore, brethren, seek not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel from his hand. For behold, ye yourselves know that he counseleth in wisdom, and in justice, and in great mercy, over all his works.

Maybe it doesn't apply to them because it just states "brethren" and not women as well.

I find it disconcerting that there are so many who claim membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to be temple recommend holders, to support the First Presidency and Quorum of 12 Apostles are so blinded by the subtle craftiness of men that they don't know they are in the mists of darkness and have actually let go of the Iron Rod.

We know that when we let go of that rod, we are at the mercy of whatever Lucifer wants to tempt us with and are manipulated by the philosophies of the world. These philosophies are not of God. Counseling the Lord regarding His gospel is not bringing forth righteous fruit. Leading your families away from God and Christ by claiming that you have received personal revelation that now is the time for women to receive the priesthood is not what God wants for any of His children. He's provided the way for us to return to Him. If and when the Lord wants to ordain women to the priesthood, He will let us know. Not the other way around.

There is no question being asked by Ordain Women. Simply put: they are demanding that women be ordained to the priesthood because they have received personal revelation stating now is the time.

Run from this group as fast as you can. Here are their false prophetesses:

April Young Bennett
Debra Jenson
Kate Kelly
Hannah Wheelwright

ps, just read this from Lori Winder. This is not something to embrace but to denounce and educate on how revelation works.