Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Woe unto them....

There seems to be so much confusion these days about what is right and what is wrong. I watched a movie the other day when the two characters were arguing about "right and wrong" or "black and white". It was interesting how one character was trying to tell the other one that the world is gray, not black and white. And the character who was in the right corrected him by saying that it is right versus wrong, not black versus white. I couldn't agree more with that analagy.

Way back in the good ol' Old Testament, the prophet Isaiah had this insightful prophecy concerning right/wrong; black/white,

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight!" Isaiah 5:20-21

Could there be any truer words about today's social calamities? People are running here and there saying the sky is falling. People are completely polarized regarding issues because one man named George W. Bush is in office. They can't even see straight because of their hatred towards him.

In today's world, one doesn't even have to speak the truth. Only opinion matters and is presented as fact. Just look at all of the negative editorials, op-ed's, blogs, TV commentators etc. that denigrate Pres. Bush. They hate him with all their being and set out daily to try to destroy what is good. Just look at one days news cycle and you will know what I am writing about.

The crowds at NBC, CNN, CBS and ABC are all seeking to destroy Pres. Bush and all that is good in the country. There isn't enough space to detail all of their preposterous arguments and formidable fairy tales spread each day. In news circles it is called "spin". And the spin that they put on the truth to try to make their arguments seem real is just down right falsehoods.

Those who walk the hallowed halls of the Capitol each day are not statesmen, but just a bunch of people who are out the support the special interest groups. When is the last time you can say that you are pleased with the actions of Congress, especially your own Senator or Representative? When is the last time you felt they represented your beliefs and opinions. I know that Senator Hatch and Senator Bennett are just out for themselves and not for the people. When did it become all about being re-elected and not what was in the best interest of the republic in which we live?

Abortion is accepted and tolerated by certain entities because we are told that the embryo isn't a human and can't live outside the womb. Well, what do you think the embryo becomes? Third trimester abortions are protected because of the life of the mother. What baby can't be delivered another few inches and be spared the murderous act being committed on it. Needless to say, I have yet to read about an OBGYN doctor who says this practice is needed to save the life and health of the mother. Maybe there is one, but the overwhelming evidence shows no need for this deplorable act.

Homosexuals are trying to make us believe that their behavior is normal and should be accepted. The saddest part of all of this is that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been duped into all the hysteria surrounding this issue under the umbrella of "acceptance and tolerance". I've read many articles where people have made comments completely contrary to the doctrines of the church and still profess to be "active" members who support the prophet. I wonder if they actually know what it means to sustain the prophet of God. Is it only on positions that we agree with? Is it on all positions? Should the prophet stay out of issues that are considered political? How will one justify actions taken against the counsel of the prophet? We all have issues but to be so blunt and outspoken against the prophet's counsel is a course I'd rather not follow. Nothing good can come from me thinking that I am smarter and wiser than the Lord's mouthpiece on the earth.

There are a whole host of other issues that society is trying to show as being good when it is pure evil. They are also trying to defeat and demean all those who are doing good in the world. Just look at a typical newscast and what do you witness for the first 10-15 minutes - everything that is wrong with the world today. How many good and uplifting stories are shown? If we are lucky, there might be one at the end of the broadcast.

Isaiah got it right when he saw our day and what a mess it would be. However, just because it is messy doesn't mean we sit on the sidelines and let those who want to be the squeaky wheel have free reign. We must stand up and ensure that good prevails. We shouted for joy at that opportunity. How are you doing in standing up for righteousness in all places and at all times? I know I can do better and will continue to strive to move the Lord's work forward, notwithstanding the strong winds of opposition.

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