Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Updated - Liberal media lies and distortions

Update: The Salt Lake Tribune decided after 4 weeks to publish my editorial. I've added a link to it.

I'm tired of the liberal media controlling what is said on TV and published in newspapers. More often than not, they spin the story to make Republicans look bad and Democrats look good. In conversing with a few reporters from The Salt Lake Tribune, I am even more convinced that they don't recognize their bias in their own thinking, let alone their reporting. (more on my conversations with Holly Mullen in another post)

I'm posting a piece I submitted to The Tribune for publication, because I am fairly confident that since it goes against the stated and inferred positions of the editorial board at Utah's Independent Voice newspaper, it will never see the light of day.

Here is my editorial:

Since the election, there have been many opinions and editorials published detailing how Utah was left behind because those who voted chose to stay with many Republicans and did not convert to the Democratic way of life. The Salt Lake Tribune tries to denigrate those who chose to stay true to their convictions and principles with this rejoinder, "“Utah voters stuck with those that brung 'em."

Where are the compelling and coherent arguments to '‘throw the bums out'’ just because they are Republicans? Those who acquiesce to the position of The Tribune and the national media have failed in their attempts to show one plausible reason for a needed change of party affiliation. What else do the Democrats have to say besides bring the troops home? It surely isn'’t speaking the truth regarding stem cell research in their political ads this year.

Republicans and Democrats alike have character flaws. However, Democrats look the other way and actually rally the troops when any of their own casts a long shadow over their morals. (See Mel Reynolds, Barney Frank, Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton as examples). Republicans throw their disgraceful occupants of Congress out on their backsides and seek for improved candidates to replace them. Having been a delegate this year, I saw firsthand the many character flaws that exist in my party and the much needed cleansing that needs to take place from within. That still doesn'’t mean I'’m going to change party affiliation just because people think there is an imbalance in this nation and state.

The economy is rolling right along, setting all-time highs on the NYSE. Unemployment is at an all-time low. New jobs are being created every day. Middle income families did get a tax break under President Bush. Gas prices are lowering each day; except in Utah!

Now with '‘the mandate'’, as those in the liberal press like to label it, we will have the opportunity to see what the Democrats will actually bring to the table besides their spiteful remarks and unwillingness to move off their mast which belongs to the likes of Michael Moore, Mr. Olbermann, Mr. Matthews and Ms. Streisand. Democrats will also need to disassociate themselves with fundamentally bankrupt organizations such as the ACLU, NARAL and NOW.

My guess is we will have our taxes raised to pay for all of the socialist programs that the Democrats favor; which I am still unable to find any reference to in the Constitution. We will have endless inquiries into President Bush and his administration just because the Democrats do not like the man who was elected as President. We will have continued and relentless attacks on the unborn children through the mysterious right of an abortion and we will have the endless homosexual agenda crammed down our throats. What really is the definition of safe, legal and rare? Is it over 1 million abortions a year since 1973?

Lastly, we will have unintelligible persecutions against those who believe this great and magnanimous nation we call The United States of America was established by the hand of the Almighty.

The call for change from The Tribune and others, just for the sake of change, is nothing more than drivel and an unimpressive complaint. The core of the liberal Democratic principles and values are not congruent with my principles. If the Democrats want to make inroads in Utah and other conservative places, then they will need to do a better job of convincing me that their positions are more in line with mine regarding the purpose of government and the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

1 comment:

The Deseret Spectacle said...

"Sir! Iceberg, dead ahead!"
"Steady on, Son!"