Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Great Day In America For Babies!

What a great day it is for babies in the land we call America! The Supreme Court has ruled that delivering a baby all the way through the birth canal, except for the head and then puncturing its skull and sucking out its brains is now illegal.

It's truly amazing that this was considered legal in the first place. Those who favor killing babies for any reason like to use various words to describe the baby so they don't attach any humanity to it. While those names might be medically correct, the "thing", "fetus", "unviable cells" are always and will ALWAYS be a child. As if saying the baby can't live on its own outside the womb really makes a difference in the decision to kill it. Incredible. And people really believe this. Just goes to show that if you say a lie long enough, you actually come to believe it.

People like Hillary Clinton and other presidential candidates and national women's organizations say that there isn't an exception for the health of the mother and it's a gloom and doom day for American women. Can anyone show that there is one case of partial-birth abortion where the health of the mother was the issue? Even the former Surgeon General C. Everett Coop has stated that there isn't any medical health issue that would present itself in the name of the health of the mother.

Those who oppose this decision are claiming that the Supreme Court ignored over 30 years of rule of law. Well, how about over 150 years of rule of law that the Court ignored when it discovered a "right to an abortion" in the Constitution! There is no right and all abortions should be illegal. Convenience abortions are the most common in the land of America. How convenient that someone continues to have sexual relations and damn the consequences. Incredible. If you don't want to have a baby, then stop have sex. That's your choice. Once conception happens, it's not just about YOU any longer. YOU are carrying a child and as its mother, you should do everything possible to protect your child from harm and danger.

This is a great day for babies in America! Long overdue and a crusade that needs to continue until all abortions are illegal.

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