Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Utah Democrats Still Complaining

It is sad that the Utah Democrats are still complaining they don't have an equal say in what happens in this state. The constant cries of this being a one-party state continue to fall on deaf ears. Why? I've written many times on this issue but they don't seem to listen.

When the Democrats start to believe in issues that I believe in, then I might consider voting for them. Today's Democrats are NOT like the Democrats of the pre-70's.

Today the Democrats believe it is just fine to murder a million or so babies a year. They don't call them babies so it makes it justified. They won't even say that partial-birth abortion is wrong!

Democrats don't believe in moral values of any kind. They preach that whatever someone wants to do is just fine. No judgments on misbehaving please. It's interesting that the Democrats have buddied up with the likes of NAMBLA and all the homosexual groups one can name. This behavior is wrong and should not be accepted.

The list could go on and on forever about the socialist agenda the Democrats have and are trying to perpetuate on all of us. Socialism is a failed government and should be rejected at all costs. Please read The Naked Communist by Cleon Skousen for enlightenment.

All one has to do is look at New Orleans when the storms hit as a perfect example of the Democrats plan in action. What was the response of all of the government officials, particularly Mayor 'Chocolate drink' Nagin? Where is the government? Why aren't they hear to help us? Call in the federal government to bail us out! Blame someone else Mayor for your ignorance of where you live and actually having an emergency plan.

After 60 years of Democratic reign, all they have trained the people to do is look for a government hand out. Did you see anyone take any personal responsibility to heed the warnings and get out of town? NO!

That's the number one issue with Democratic beliefs; the government is there for you for any and all reasons. No personal responsibility and accountability. The government will make it alright and fair. No one should have more than anyone else. Those who are considered wealthy earned it at the expense of the poor people so we will take from them and give it to you. Don't do anymore that what you are doing. Sure, you can have as many babies as you like and don't worry about who the father is, we will take care of you. This mess isn't your fault!

So Wayne Holland, until you get a point of view that people in this state agree with, consider yourself on the outside. By the way, do you hear Republicans crying about a one-party state in Massachusetts, Vermont, California etc? You could always move to one of those states and be in the majority.... but then, what would you have to complain about!

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