Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Our "Hearing What I Want To Hear" Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr.

Our beloved governor recently stated that the federal bomb test, Divine Strake, was canceled because those in Washington DC who make the decisions heard the voice of the people. He said that the government heard our cries and concerns about more fallout being thrown into the atmosphere from the tests in the 50's. He boasted that this was a good thing for our state and those who would be directly impacted, which it probably is.

A week or so before this decision came out, the governor universally overrode the will of his own constituents and rammed through a bill that will give Real Salt Lake $35 million of taxpayer money. Ironically, over 70% of the state said they did NOT want this money to go to Dave Checketts and his minions, especially after Salt Lake County Mayor Carroon studied the financials and said it wasn't a good business decision.

I guess it is only good for the federal government to listen to the will of the people, but not the leaders of our state government. The arrogance that permeates from our Legislature and Governor Huntsman is what gives politicians the stench they deserve in the public sector.

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