Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Selective Main Stream News Coverage

Bill O'Reilly recently reported on the selective news coverage of the former head of the ACLU having child pornography on video in his home. Note the lack of coverage from those who support the ACLU and their efforts to destroy the civil liberties provided in the Constitution.

It's so comical that the mainstream media always is critical of Fox News saying they report in a biased manner. Yet, this type of news goes completely untouched by those same critics? I wonder who really is biased in their reporting of the news and only tell you what they want you to hear and read.

I certainly don't agree with all of the points made on Fox News, but I'm much more aligned with their take than that of NBC, CBS, CNN & ABC. I'm not sure why anyone is still reading the New York Times for news reporting. They are completely a liberal organization and don't seem too concerned in being out in the open on their editorials.

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