Sunday, February 18, 2007

Global Warming or another Ice Age

Only someone who has been hiding in a cave hasn't heard all the hysteria about the global warming debates. Some scientists have come to a 'conclusion' that global warming is real. However, other scientists have said there isn't any science behind their 'conclusion'.

So what is one to believe. I'll say that I'm in the non-believing camp until someone can show otherwise. I also believe scripture that tells us that their is enough 'stuff' in the world for all of us. So to all the zero population folks, I don't buy into your argument at all that there isn't enough in the world for all the population. There is!

Also with global warming. If one truly believes in scripture and particularly those that talk about the Second Coming of Christ, how does one believe that global warming will 'kill' the earth?

Thomas Sowell wrote an excellent article on this topic the other day. I've linked to it for your review.

I'm sure that there are things that we can do as a family of humans that can have a positive impact on our lives and the environment. And we should all do our best in these areas. However, I don't believe the doomsayers regarding the planet and all of their scare tactics.

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